Thursday, August 27, 2009

School Bells Are Ringing & Vacations Are Ending...

Well, we started the summer with CJ going to Dallas to stay with Aunt Kristi & Aunt Mandy for 10 days while Chris and I got a much, much needed get away. CJ had so much fun with his Aunt's swimming, playing with Josh and Joey, going to the see the Ranger's play while we took a spider convertible and road tripped having a FANTASTIC TIME. We first headed to Las Vegas. Shock, shock, I'm sure - lol since it's one of our favorite getaways and then from there we just "winged it". We hit 11 states in 10 days and had a blast. Some states we had been to before but what the hey... We went from Vegas to Utah and saw Bryce Canyon (really beautiful) then from there went to Estes Park, Colorado and enjoyed tons of animals and gorgeous weather. Chris was sad that we couldn't fit fishing gear into that convertible. The streams were amazing and the Elk were plain AWESOME! One got mad at Chris and started snorting (the one above actually). From CO, we decided to go to South Dakota and visit Mt. Rushmore. That was definately a one time wonder for us. Yes, we took in many extra miles by not planning in advance but, that's part of the fun, not knowing where you are going to be tomorrow! From the Mt. we headed back towards Dallas to pick up our little man and head home. We had some exciting times (like downhill at midnight) with nothing but drop off's on either side, our america's funniest home video's episode of trying to get the above flowering cactus pictures (we got stickers all in our shoes) - I had on flip flops need I say more, ha ha. Elk snorting, moose stopping etc. We have some tails to tell. But, we had fun and made memories and that's what's important!

Now, the real world begins... CJ started first grade and seems to be doing well so far. He's excited about what this year will bring and he's reading, reading, reading and learning so much. I feel blessed every moment I have my wonderful family and I love seeing him grow and learn. It's an amazing process and one that I'm so grateful for! I've learned that when life hands you lemon's you put them in your sweet tea and put a smile on your face and be happy your from the South! Women are strong here!!!

Our fall is going to be filled with FOOTBALL and some "mini" family vacations. We can't wait! From ASU games at home and out of town games too. We are also trying to plan a trip to Jeff. City to see Missouri and Texas (GO TEXAS) in October. We'll see what happens from there. Our lives are crazy and we wouldn't trade a moment! Hugs and Kisses until next time...