Thursday, November 6, 2008

It's Not Gone Yet

We as well as the rest of the US have had an eventful week so far.

First, we have a new president be it good or bad, the voters have spoken and although he wasn't my personal choice, it's just that a personal journey and one that we all as adults have the right to be a part of. So those of you that are whining about the outcome and didn't choose to vote - get over it. It's done! You'll have to step up and vote in 2012! Until then we have to deal with what we are given and we will just have to wait and see what the "change" is really going to mean. I for one am concerned for myself, my family, my child and my friends. I'm not looking forward to it.

Secondly, CJ is doing great with his tooth. The doctor decided to not take it out. He's going to let it remain, die and fall out on it's own. He wants to let "nature take it's course". CJ of course is thrilled and loves that it's started changing colors. He's still on fairly soft foods but, is reaching out to other items as well in small portions. I hate the thought of him losing that great perfectly straight smile (oh, wait... it's not straight anymore) - hah!

Chris continues to work himself to death on the new place morning, noon and night (mostly nights and weekend).

As for me... I'm on the countdown to vacation (woo hoo) and I've got boxes, boxes, boxes everywhere going through junk. It's amazing how much junk you accumulate!

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