Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Take Me Out To The Ball Game...

I look at CJ and can't believe he's gotten so big, so fast and he's ready for T-Ball. This is his first year to play. We apparently missed the "cut off" last year and had no idea. So, he's playing with the local baseball association this year and thinks it's the greatest thing ever. He's on the "Twins" (appropriate since his daddy is a twin), LOL and he chose #5 since he is 5. hah! He's had his first game and hit and made it to second. We were proud! However, he got to second and nobody told him to run to third so he stood there looking around. ha ha ha. He loves his coach and his team and now when we are at home, all he wants to do when he turns the TV on is watch "baseball". The one thing he doesn't like is having to hit it off the "T". He wants to play "coach pitch" ball. We keep telling him, "next year".


Anonymous said...

I bet he is the best player out there!

The Pinkston Family said...

He does have quite the arm!

Mandy Pinkston said...

He's gonna be good at EVERYTHING! :)

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the comment! It was great to hear from you and I look forward to keeping up with you beautiful family, too!